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"It was an eye-opening experience. I learned life lessons on how to generate my own power, calm my mind and body and set my own boundaries to feel safe within my surroundings. I see myself with a new perspective and am excited to continue this journey!"

Lina Chalita, DRAGON PORTAL TEACHINGS, 12.2023

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"Hira holds a reverence for our innocence like no other. I am infinitely grateful to have the privilege of receiving her fierce and gentle attunements. If you're thinking about diving through the portal - stop thinking and listen to your inner knowing's 'YES' - it's safe to go through!"

Lindsey Curtis:, DRAGON PORTAL TEACHINGS, 12.2023


"There's something very special about Tao & Sexual Kung Fu teachings with Hira. Her energy field and presence, the way she IS, her deep knowledge and wisdom into these teachings make learning with her the most exquisite experience ever. She ignites a sacred longing of mind and spirit for these beautiful practices, as she re-imprints softness and innocence unto sexual energy. She holds a very safe container and meets everyone where they're at."



"Learning Sexual Kung Fu has been a true transformative experience. Hira managed to create an incredibly safe space for us to discover these teachings. It was quite different from other workshops and meditations I've attended before. Especially when we explored how stress and willpower are used in our daily lives, but also in our spiritual practices. Focusing on the First Treasure or 'the Jing Bod'y has been the most healthy way to explore myself as a Feminine Being. Her course is very grounding, enabling women to create a strong basis from which to expand their (womb) consciousness as weavers of the Web of Life."

Mirte Vandebroek, DRAGON PORTAL TEACHINGS, 12.2023


"The Sexual Kung Fu came at just the right time, to help me navigate through the breakdown of a toxic relationship, and take back my power. It has taught me how to be gentle with myself, find safety within, put in firm boundaries, and give myself the love that I was always looking for outside of myself. I am so grateful to Hira for bringing these teachings and practices, through the Dragon Portal, to set me on the path of the Warrior Woman!"


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"I've received many offers over the last few years to work with sexual energy from various coaches and tantra practitioners, and I knew this was something I wanted to explore, but it never felt like the right person to do it with. When Hira shared she's offering this work, I immediately knew she's the right person. I’m so glad I trusted my intuition, and that I waited until it felt like the right fit. 

Hira really took her time, setting the foundation for these practices, so that the importance of a felt sense of safety was present in the group, and within ourselves, as we began to explore this work. It was so important and allowed me to have deep and profound awarenesses arise because safety was so present. Her respect for the ancient Taoist traditions is palpable and that same respect was engendered in me for these powerful ancient teachings. 

Hira brings such a rich body of spiritual knowledge and deep personal experience to her offerings. Her authenticity and passion in her offering is tangible. I highly recommend working with Hira as a Sexual Kung Fu guide for women."


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"Attending Hira her ATIH (Awakening the Illuminated Heart) workshop was one of the most spiritual and transformative experiences I have had during this lifetime. Hira has a way of sharing her knowledge in such a pure and open way, which really helps in creating a safe and inspiring environment. I’m very grateful."

Elsemiek, Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, Holland, 07.2023


"Life-changing, most important workshop I did so far! The guidance from Hira couldn't be better. She is a beautiful and lovely being. A true Vessel of Source. I feel so grateful!"

Tom van den Ban, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 02.2022


"My second time in this workshop with Hira. I learned, healed and transformed a lot. By using the technique that Hira taught in the workshop, I transformed a dream which I had been carrying for over 40 years and healed the trauma. I feel much lighter and the healing process is continued."

Maya Tsai, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 08.2021


"Hira manages to take the pressure right off and is capable of giving everyone the experience of success. It all worked for me. The workshop was the missing piece of the puzzle and the key to my heart. All the former teachings I received came together in this workshop and everything fell into place. I feel stronger and will be able to go to my heart and get the right answers for the rest of my life. Communicating with other people while being in the heart feels absolutely wonderful! The workshop has a strong lasting effect and is life changing. I recommend this to everyone!"

Anouk Dekker, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 06.2021

Anouk Dekker, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 06.2021

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"Hira is a perfect teacher. She is more than capable, devoted, and can communicate thoughts, feelings and abstract concepts very clearly. At the same time she teaches with an open heart and creates a haven of safety and love for all students. Very inspirational."

Piet Bezuijen, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 06.2021

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"Hira is a humble and loving person, truly gifted and excellent teacher. Her ability to create and hold space in the group is amazing. I would highly recommend Hira as a guiding light in this Ascension process. My experience with the group was unforgettable, I feel so blessed to have taken such an amazing workshop. Thank you."

Nouf Nut, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 04.2021

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"It was one of the most profound healing experiences I've ever had in the last 25 years of personal growth. Hira is a powerful healer and guide. I had a huge heart opening."

Rene Spielmann, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 02.2021

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"HiRa is magic - penetrating - transparent - valid - trusted - advanced transformative - with multifaceted knowledge - angelic. She held space for some amazing experiences in the workshop, connecting all of us in a divine manner. Words cannot express the feeling."

Sofia K Samaras, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 06.2021

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“With this workshop a promise was kept. I experienced the truth of the quote from Ram Das: "We are all just walking each other home". But in order to be able to keep this promise, we have to come into our personal mastery, fulfilling our own destiny. Hira is the real thing. She is this master. It is not only the teaching, it is also the teacher who enables the teaching to be received. Thank you Hira for embracing your destiny so wholeheartedly, so I can full-fill mine.”

Andrea Henning, Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, Netherlands, 07.2021

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"By the grace of Hira’s pure awareness, and the grace of ascended living and ancient teachers, gods and goddesses, she is channeling pure source energy untouched by conditioned love. 

Holding the space for all human kind, she leads you to the point of the tiny space of heart where you can allow yourself to recognize your true nature, your True Self. 

Love you, love you, love you"

TaiRa Bjelic, Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, Egypt, 04.2021

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"I'm deeply touched and positively surprised: I've already done this workshop with Hira a few years ago in Egypt. Doing the 'online' now has given me the chance to focus more on the exercises; living that experience in my own space makes the integration more applicable to my daily life. I really want to acknowledge Hira for her ability to transmit everything without missing absolutely anything. I'm impressed both for her knowledge and her availability to answer all our countless questions. She really gave the extra mile. I think I would possibly repeat it again later, because I feel there's much more to get from it, so many more levels to explore. Deeply thank you from the bottom of my Heart"

Silvia Mariti, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 02.2021


"This workshop has exceeded any expectation I may have had. It has realigned my journey on this path of living in my heart. Having Hira as our guide was one of the biggest gifts I received. She spoke directly to me in many ways. I have done many meditations with many people and they were all wonderful. Something clicked for me with Hira's guidance... I feel I've made more progress than at any other time. Hira is a wonderful teacher/guide into the heart."

Cheryl Oden, ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop, 02.2021

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"Since starting my ascension journey with Hira in 2019, my life has become exponentially deeper, richer and lighter. I have attended both her Magdalene Priestess workshop in Glastonbury (UK) and the 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart' in Belgium. The workshops take place over 4 days, but it feels like 4 lifetimes. That is a more accurate description for the level of sacred teaching and cellular healing that you experience. Hira is authentic to her core and covers intense topics with humour, love and compassion. There is no-one else like her on this planet."

Tiamat Milla Rose Harkness, 2020

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"HiRa's RIDE YOUR LOTUS classes are having a deeply profound impact on me. They're always exactly what I'm needing in the moment. It's truly a profound experience to be part off and I feel deeply honoured to know HiRa. She's truly a master here to help bring in the New Earth. I feel deeply connected to her and the group energy for the meditations. Her guidance is always deeply in tune with the participants of the group and with the greater alignment of spirit.


The way the energy is flowing through is amazing, very activating and grounding at the same time, allowing us to come more fully into alignment with our Higher Selves. In the last meditation, I had a deeply profound activation of Light Language coming through. It was an extremely powerful experience, which is helping me to come into greater alignment with my higher mission. I'm grateful beyond words to be connected to HiRa and her work on the planet."

Ruthie Joy, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© classes, 2019


"It was an extremely powerful, purging experience, caused by the strong download of the Divine Female energy, so it took me three hours to switch back into the accustomed (“normal”) daily frame of mind and being = thank you Hi-Ra :-)"

Mladen Sun Circle, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© classes, 2019

"I’m following Hira’s "Ride Your Lotus" Meditations since a year now and I’m noticing a big shift in my process of evolution. I really Love her and what she does because she’s far beyond the role of the master, teacher, guru or whatever name we give them. She’s a friend, a sister, a beautiful soul, who’s found her unique and amazing way to Ascend. Through her experience and opened Heart, she’s able to guide all those who are willing to do the same.


Ascension is accessible to all of us and Hira is showing us her way, totally respecting everybody’s rhythm. I really feel grateful to have found her on my way and I highly recommend her to everyone who’s resonating with raising and expanding their awareness. Blessings to you, Hira 🙏💓🌹"

Silvia Mariti, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© classes, 2019


"I’ve had the chance to experience various workshop/webinar formulas with Hira throughout the years, and every time it has turned out to be a most delightful, high vibrational event. Hira is a multifaceted lead figure, compassionate yet strong, allowing yet attentive, lighthearted yet deeply committed, and aware of sacredness. A true Priestess of modern times. Embodying fully the teachings and techniques she presents, she becomes the catalyst of a higher alchemy process, allowing and directing the flow of a divinely guided, assisted process on All and on all attendees.


In my experience, her workshops tend to be life-changing, while the « Ride Your Lotus » classes are a wonderful tool to reach and maintain a high vibrational level in daily life, supporting the individual within the comfort of her/his own environment. Every class is an unpredictable spiritual adventure, the only constant being the use of leading-edge and timeless techniques of meditation and activations, in order to achieve more awakened, empowered states of consciousness. I feel blessed and deeply thankful for Hira’s presence on my path, and I would recommend her full heartedly to anyone who follows her/his own bliss and embark on a similar journey."

Alessandra, ATIH & Magdalene workshops, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© classes, 2019


"I am so blessed and grateful to GAIA and the Universe for the direction and guidance to be co-creating with Hira Hosèn. I've had so much support (a feeling of sisterly love) and guidance from Hira in finding the path to connecting more fully to Oneness. The tools Hira provides have been tremendous and life changing for me, and the co-creating in the “Ride your Lotus” classes is so powerful and exhilarating…


I feel so energised and connected to GAIA and the Universe after each class, and going through the replays and following the live classes enhances the experience so much more. The connection with the new paradigm feels greatly enhanced when doing the Ride Your Lotus.


Thank you Divine Mother and Divine Father for directing me to connect with Hira, and Hira: Love, Blessings and Gratitude to you for assisting and supporting me on my path, and even more so in helping to increase the frequency of us all."

Ray Cocker, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© classes, 2018

"To put into words the experience HiRa offers is a challenge.


The purity and expansiveness of this journey continue to integrate through my being. I sit here, held by Divine Grace, in awe and in complete gratitude for the process that we shared. The grace, strength, and wisdom HiRa conveys allows for a beautiful unfolding.


Her abilities to hold space for the group and channel spirit are strong and done with unconditional love and care. Spending one month in Egypt, for the full duration of the program, is highly recommended as the process is carefully executed. I feel myself softening and embodying my Sovereign divinity more with each waking moment.


HiRa’s program allowed for the connection of such dear Soul Family, and I have forged life long bonds with those in attendance. The Healing that took place within my own being, I cherish deeply. I stand courageously in my empowerment and shine my heart forward. This was a grand scale Healing and Empowerment for all beings everywhere. I carry it with me always.


HiRa offers with all of her heart a pure, sincere experience, guided by Spirit. It has been and continues to be an honour to join her on this beautiful journey of Life. I can still smell the scent of Blue Lotus oil drifting in the air around me, releasing the veils of separation. May all beings be happy and free. With unconditional love and light."

Gina Shekinah, attending our month long 'Journey of Empowerment', Egypt, 2019


"Hi Ra, that night after the dance, when you played your crystal, golden bowl, it was an amazing session. When you began, it was full of pleasure, like sensations running through my body. You helped widen my crown chakra and released a pain in my back. Then, when you were at my heart and lower down my body, I felt some form of liquid love running towards my heart and I felt like you kissed my feet. I had a sensation of being Jesus. Really beautiful experience."

Néstor Salazar, Ascension Session, NL, 2017

"In so many ways, Hira is the embodiment of these teachings. I am forever grateful and connected to her. And I appreciate and respect so much the way she positions herself in the teachings... not as a master, not as one who is realized leading others who are not... but as a friend, a comrade, a collaborator on the path, showing the way with love, a light heart, laughter, and humility. This was by far one of the most meaningful and formative experiences of my life. Thank you. I love you! Raaaawwwr! *tiger roar*"

Katie Walsh, ATIH workshop, Egypt, 2016

"I really needed an entire month to come back, and now it's only been a few days I can start remembering and reactivating all the Light Codes we activated in our bodies!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, my gratitude is endless! It was a wonderful journey and still is. I feel it so strong and just.. oh my God! It really opened a lot of space within me and I'm starting to fill it with so much love and light, opening more and more every day.


The timeless capsule we were in during this journey is still active, and my everyday life is going through major transformations. I feel totally more aware of my Divinity and the sacred breath of Live within every form of life. I'm moving surely into a multi-dimensional state, and I'm really enjoying it. HiRa, what you gave me is priceless! Thank you so much!!! I send you my purest love and Light! Be blessed in the eternal God's kiss!! To you and all your family, and I hope you feel as amazing as I do! See you soon I'm sure :) Love you xx"

Mary Clementine about our month long 'Journey of Empowerment', Egypt, 2018


"I was truly blessed to meet Hira Hosen on my way!!! You know, my phone automatically corrects "Hosen" to "Chosen", which is so incredible true! She's an unbelievable master... It's not easy to find the words to describe my experience during the workshop and the miracle of healing love, she gave to me... The knowledge and unique understanding of this world, which she shared so generous with our group, changed all of us forever! I finally found the way "home", to the secret space of my heart, learned trust and am starting to experience silence and forgiveness... I'm deeply grateful and full of love! Thank you!!!"

Vladyslava Luchenko, ATIH workshop, Belgium, 2017

"The Event was fantastic, Hira demonstrated an air of divine confidence in conducting a flow to the variety of spiritual experiences that were taking place. As a teacher myself I understand that managing a courses direction through an observed identification of improvement is one thing, however having the ability to manage a large group through an infinite range of inner and outer spiritual experiences and maintain a structure is inspiring and fills one with enthusiasm. Bravo Hira! The course itself was of positive intensity and filled with a wealth of experiences and specific spiritual guidance. All of my training companions were a pleasure to be with and now are dear to me. As an overall experience I would highly recommend it."

Greg May, ATIH workshop, Glastonbury UK, 2016

"If you are looking for a unique teaching style and amazing perspective of this workshop, HIRA HOSEN is your perfect guide! Her deep experience, beautiful voice, and funny mind will open your heart beyond your expectations. GO for it and enjoy!"

Anastela Thelot, ATIH workshop, Amsterdam, 2017

"I am deeply blessed and thankful for have had the opportunity of participating in this beautiful workshop. It was a profound experience that completely changed my life as my perception of it. Hira is the most loving and pure person I've ever met and I will always love her for the rest of my life. More than an awesome teacher she is a true friend. Thank you Hira. Love you!"

Danilo Martins, ATIH workshop, Egypt, 2016

"I had the most powerful and mind blowing experience spiritually and humanly!! Everything could not have been more perfect then at this workshop with Hira in Ibiza. The location was wonderful, the team working with Hira was just so loving and carrying for us (the students). All the students at the workshop was the nicest people I had ever meet. It feels like family. And Hira is just an INCREDIBLE woman!! So loving and so generous. Thank you for bringing me home finally and activating my power. PS: tu devrais être remboursée par le sécurité sociale ;-) LOVE & PEACE to everyone ..."

Melody Griffet, ATIH workshop, Ibiza, 2016

"Hira is the best!! She really knows and lives what she is teaching. She makes everyone feel welcome and part of the group, I have never seen people connect on such a deep level in just a few days becoming closer than family. Since I saw the workshop I knew this is what I wanted to do, opening my heart is what I needed, to listen and live from the heart. I learned so much about myself and connection with other people, words cannot describe a life changing experience like this :D"

Dennis van der Ham, ATIH workshop, Amsterdam, 2016

"It was the most important thing I ever did in my life (and I have done a lot of workshops and things...) And Hira is fantastic. I recommend everybody on this planet to do it!!! Big thanks and big hug from my HEART"

Patricia Faci, ATIH workshop, Switzerland, 2016

"I absolutely loved Hira's way to instruct the method by her feminine, sensual and precise ways of leading the workshop. Her profound experience and knowledge in Zen is the backbone strength to connect with everyone on the course. The choice for deciding to do the experience with Hira was exceptionally right for me and this 4 days has opened me to a completely new level of experiencing my life and myself. Ten points for Hira and full recommendation for anyone choosing an ATIH teacher! She is totally perfect lady for this job!"

Pekko Esko Vuorela, ATIH workshop, Amsterdam, 2016

"This workshop with all the meditation it offers brought me a life transforming experience that I will always cherish. I am definitely continuing with the teachings I've learned for my own spiritual development and the development of all humanity. Hira Hosen, my beloved sister and teacher, is a beautiful soul who has put all her heart out into giving all she is suppose to give and much much more for this workshop. I personally was affected very positively with her presence and appreciate until this day everything she is and everything she has offered. Forever connected. Much love and gratitude to her."

Corinne Saad, ATIH workshop, Egypt, 2016

"Hira has a beautiful way of teaching us & guiding us during these days. She managed to form a family of light-people who are truly here to assist each other & guide each other on their journeys."

Mauricio Gooiker, ATIH workshop, Amsterdam, 2012

"I'm very impressed with the power of these teachings. Although most information is totally new to me, the easiness of the exercises are amazing. Hira Hosen is such a beautiful person and a great teacher. She makes it easy to absorb all information and provides you with a very loving, sacred and save environment to go through all the exercises. Wow what a delightfull being she is. It changed my life in a very positive way. It makes me feel more and more connected in every way. I will highly recommend Hira and this beautiful workshop. Thank you with all of my heart <3"

Anka Blankendaal, ATIH workshop, Amsterdam, 2012

"What a course! This is profound stuff and I was really moved by the whole experience, from the place we stayed to the people we were with in the course. Glastonbury, UK, was a great place to do this course and I couldn't have asked for a more fitting facilitator to aid us in 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart' than Hira. Hira was at once a teacher, a guide, a friend and a mid-wife for us all. She included everyone, kept the ball rolling and just performed her role in a way which made the experience a magical one for everyone." Adam

"I loved the ATIH class. Hira is a very dedicated teacher. She doesn't shy away from fully and intimately engaging with every participant before, during and after class and she gives everyone in class the feeling of being important, listened to and seen. Nonetheless, Hira knows how to set boundaries and keep a balance between people who like to speak up and those who are shy. I found the people in the ATIH class to be beautiful, inspiring and heart centered souls and so I felt at the same time excited and safe in class. I am now looking forward to watch the videos on this site. Thank you!!!! <3 ;-)" Eve

Adam & Eve Fryer, ATIH workshop, Glastonbury, 2014

"So wonderful to experience the nectar of your heart expressing forth for all as One. In the timeless space where we met i experienced the pure pulse point of creation coming into unified form through our bodies, hearts and souls. A serene stillness that was filled with cosmic potential in every breath, in every moment as One.** Goddess of the heart, pillar of crystalline light, I Am eternally grateful for your steps of love remembrance that you bestow upon Gaia, Humanity and All. I love you forever, to the stars and into all that is *whole, perfect and pure*"

Chloe Mercer, ATIH workshop, Glastonbury, UK, 2014

"Truly amazing work - thanks for sharing this with the world! I feel complete and newly assembled and re-wired, in all aspects of my physical and light body. Love & Light from Ibiza."

Roman Lang, ATIH workshop, Ibiza, 2015

"Hira is love made visible on Earth, absolutely committed with the mission to guide us into our hearts and help humanity achieve higher realms of consciousness. I can only feel blessed and thankful for having her as my teacher<3"

Priscila Juliana Lopes Lehmann, ATIH workshop, Greece & Italy, 2014

"Back home from this 4-day ATIH workshop with Hira Hosen in Desert Ashram (Israel), I am deeply touched and moved by Hira's calm, centered Zen conscioussnes, as well as enreached by her application of imagery at the same time. It really was a pleasure to recieve both teachings - that of the mind, and that of the Heart - simultaneously. Not that it only saved me time & money, no, it was a valuable teaching on how to be present at both of those levels in the daily reality. Thank you Hira, from my Heart to your Heart."

Mladen Sun Circle, ATIH workshop, Israel, 2013

"I knew the course will be very strong, and so was it :-) This workshop has been one of the most intense and impactful experience I have had, not only for its content, but most of all, because I have the feeling that I have finally come HOME (OHM). All my life, I have missed the spiritual world from which we come, the sky as I use to call it, I have longed to retrieve it, aspired, prayed, searched for it ... I have lived with this nostalgia for more than 50 years (and probably lots and lots of many lives :-)) After these 4 days, I am at peace as I (we all) have reconnected to The Family, to Love, to Light, to our ONE space and it is just there. The Group, Hira, the amazing location in Ibiza, everything has contributed to make this experience unique and unforgettable. There is a "Before" ATIH and an "After". I am in a state of Grace grounded in the Present Time, blessed. Thank you to YOU Hira (for coming to Earth to teach us :), Thank you to each and all of you, visible and invisible world, who have directly or indirectly allowed this to happen. With infinite Love."

Susana Herrero, ATIH workshop, Ibiza, 2015

"WOW !!! Second workshop in less than 2 months. I really dove deeper in the healing process of my being and connected in a more profound way to the Sacered Space of My Heart. Thank You so much Hira for your Presence, your sensitive attention and care during these magical 4 days. From the Heart"

Henri Bayard, ATIH workshop, France, 2015

"A truly wonderful weekend filled with so much love and compassion, I left with a renewed feeling of being able to create anything I desired in my life and a deeper understanding that we have everything we need for our own happiness. Hira was inspiring and her great compassion, understanding and intuition made you feel secure throughout an unfamiliar process. Her openness and ability to share her own vulnerability allowed for a more real human experience and made it easier for me to let go and connect and realise that we are all on the same journey going through the same things so we are not really alone, its an illusion. I continue to incorporate the wisdom and understanding we all shared in our dynamic group in my spiritual practise and would recommend Hiras workshops highly xx PM"

Primrose's Kitchen, ATIH workshop, Glastonbury, UK, 2014


Hira speaks fluent English (EN), French (FR) & Dutch (NL) and receives many emails & social media messages, so feel free to contact her directly here, but please respect her time and energy, understanding she doesn't always have space to answer all requests, including questions about your personal lifestream.

Hira is grateful to offer free guided meditations, private sessions, online and onsite events and workshops, where she's happy and available to meet you personally: services


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