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Join date: Feb 12, 2022


For decades, Hira is trained to nourish and empower group dynamics and gatherings in her many workshops, events, personal 1-on-1 sessions and spiritual journeys around the world. Whenever it's called for, she'll joyfully share her many skills gathered over 2 decades in a broad spectrum of expansion of awareness practices , through a wide variety of traditions such as the Japanese Soto Zen, Ancient Egyptian Alchemy, TAO (Nei Dan Kung- Dragon Portal Lineage), Bön-Buddhist Tantra, Dzogchen, Indian Tantra and others ❤️‍🔥

Hira initially came to planet Earth to catalyze the great shift of global awakening, but since our human collective has manifested a split in 2 different timelines in 2020, she’s now allowing herself to rest deeper in a state of being, actively co~creating and manifesting the new light paradigm, a timeline filled with high vibrational experiences and connections only ❤️‍🔥

Through being, embodying and expressing our true frequency, we channel divine source~energy into our human collective, Earth and the entire universe ❤️‍🔥

After living and actively practicing Zazen Meditation for a decade in a Zen Temple in the South of France as an ordained Zen Nun, Hira is now living in Egypt, where she’s continuing her work as an international meditation facilitator, certified Sexual Kung Fu coach and light language channel. 


1) Sexual Kung Fu for women, as a certified ‘Valley Orgasm Coach’ in the TAO (NEI DAN KUNG) lineage in Holland since 2022 ❤️‍🔥

2) Zazen Meditation, as an ordained Bodhisattva and an ordained Zen Nun from the Soto Zen lineage since 2004 (Deshimaru lineage) ❤️‍🔥

3) Dedicated practitioner of the Dzogchen lineages since 2017 ❤️‍🔥

4) Light Language Activations, as a graduate from Jamye Price (Switzerland, 2018) ❤️‍🔥

5) Since 2011, Hira offers ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart®’ workshops as a certified ATIH teacher (Tantra of the Heart) of the School of Remembering, cofounded in 2011 by Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, USA, together with Gaia Inc who has now closed its activities in August’24. The main body of 100+ teachers keeps offering this work worldwide ❤️‍🔥


Hira offers 1-on-1 Oneness Sessions, light language activations, DNA and source light~code activations, RIDE YOUR LOTUS© guided meditations, Awakening the Illuminated Heart© workshops, BLACK DIAMOND TANTRA© workshops, Sexual Kung Fu coaching sessions (women only), DRAGON PORTAL TEACHINGS© (women only), PEARL OF AWARENESS© teachings, Womb Enlightenment MasterClasses© (women only) and more:



First Name
Hira Hosèn
Last Name


Hira speaks fluent English (EN), French (FR) & Dutch (NL) and receives many emails & social media messages, so feel free to contact her directly here, but please respect her time and energy, understanding she doesn't always have space to answer all requests, including questions about your personal lifestream.

Hira is grateful to offer free guided meditations, private sessions, online and onsite events and workshops, where she's happy and available to meet you personally: services


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(EN) Happy to connect!

(FR) Heureuse de faire connaissance!

  • Hira Hosèn email contact address
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