Feminine Tantra, known from ancient times as 'the Great Mother', has endless cosmic wisdom to share. The two poles of the feminine have been separated over time, into the 'Light Goddess of White Magic’, accessible through motherly, unconditional love, security, comfort and protection, and the forbidden 'Dark Goddess of Red Magic’, accessible through mystery, eros, initiation and truth. When we unite the Red and White rivers of the Feminine, our awareness rises relatively quick into mature abilities to embrace both love and hate, positive and negative, good and bad.
The main focus of this masterclass is not to exclude the masculine from our feminine empowerment, knowing we all suffer from the unbalanced state of the wounded feminine and masculine in our world, knowing we all carry sacred feminine, masculine and neutral energies within. This masterclass is to connect our human being to its own unborn potential, the source of our true power, love, innocence, grace and Peace. As female initiates, through inner union, we hold the secrets of Creation in our womb. In this masterclass we are given the opportunity to unlock the secrets of the Dark and Light Goddess by becoming aware of both its gifts and shadow aspects.
The many Gifts of the Red Feminine are for example confidence, openness and orgasmic flow, and its shadow aspects are jealousy, seduction, manipulation and control. Gifts of the White Feminine are for example compassion, vulnerability and kindness, and its shadow aspects are shyness, people~pleasing and self~sacrifice. During the class we will go into an inner journey to discover, release and strengthen many of these patterns and to surrender into the inner alchemy of transformation by allowing the feminine mysteries to express themselves through our being. These alchemical keys, unlocking the electro~magnetic fields for transformation to take place, can never be forced, only accessed through the safety of self~appreciation, self~love, and self~compassion.
Our physical bodies are created to experience and embody bliss, our true nature, and to express our innermost secrets. We allow the awakening waters, the rivers of feelings within, to fully flow as pure medicine to heal our core wounds, and we return to the foundation of our own connection with the Source of all Life, the present moment, as pioneers and leaders of today's inner revolution, birthing new worlds.
It’s time to awaken our raw, wild and untamed Shakti power for the benefit of all, and to transform this flaming bliss into a texture of soft, silken bliss through our Cosmic Womb Wisdom. To fire up the clear light and diamond light codes. To radiate our highest natural frequency, our core essence, from deep within our Heart's soul seat. No excuses. No apologies. We don’t need permission to genuinely share our generous expressions of living truth with all beings, worlds, dimensions and timelines.
In our guided Source meditation, we will process some of the deep core shadow wounds, like fear of feeling, fear of being rejected and violated, of dominance, of fully stepping into our ecstatic power, and finally, the core wound of living in a world knowing mostly conditional love ("I'll love you, if…"), unlocking the prison of our frozen pain by liberating our isolated heart to transform it all into vitality, awareness, healing powers and vision, and finally, to charge our light bodies.
You can still get the replay of all 3 Womb Enlightenment MasterClasses here: http://rideyourlotus.com 🌙 Once purchased, the replays are available without time limit 🌙 Welcome As You Are 🌙☀️🌙