True love is simple but it’s not easy... How hard is it to love? ✨
I’m receiving energy transmissions from Mary Magdalene, now healing my Heart from deep soul grief from many lifetimes on Earth and other planets ✨
Many of us had to let go of great love before coming into this present incarnation, fulfilling our mission with a feeling of loss, feeling like work comes before love. For me, to find the love I seek within, my Heart needed to break into grief, alchemizing the breaking down into a breaking~through ✨
Coming out of karmic experiences, we often feel loss, guilt, unworthiness and disappointment of self. We feel like we've failed or that we haven’t got what it takes, but these are positive indicators of what we need to heal ✨
Applying loving kindness to self and others, we're able to follow the wisdom of our Heart and stand in its strength according to our souls guidance. Life is about happiness, purpose, peace and well~being, yes? All of our spiritual work is nothing unless we're happy! Only when we're happy and healthy, our souls purpose can truly work through us ✨
Many like myself are affected by doubt, fears, limitations and sabotaging belief-systems, holding us back life after life. These constructs work on an unconscious level, surfacing every time we try to go deeper into ourselves, or in a relationship. Very often we tend to blame ourselves, but it’s not us. It’s just that we get triggered by a situation or a person, and lifetimes of unresolved emotions surge through our body~mind ✨
We can’t go deeper without even knowing why! We’re just blocked. We shut down to love. Not being able to open up on a deep heart level. Afraid to be emotionally vulnerable ✨
When we do go deeper, we get to know ourselves and the others better and often repressed emotions of sadness, jealousy and anger surface, breaking lifetimes old patterns, gifting us with opportunities to be more forgiving with ourselves, our soul, our humanness and all others ✨
I believe most of us are here to be, feel and express our Human Hearts loving kindness, wisdom, strength and being~ness. Our work is about harmonizing and balancing our Love Nature, and Love is the key on our path ✨